COVID 19 치료에서 이산화염소의 실효성에 대한 정의 Determination of the Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19 I nsignares-Carrione Eduardo1 *, Bolano Gómez Blanca2 , Andrade Yohanny3 , Callisperis Patricia4 , Suxo Ana Maria5 , Arturo Bernardo Ajata San Martín6 and Camila Ostria Gonzales7 1 LVWG Global Research Director, Liechtensteiner Verein für Wissenschaft und Gesundheit, Liechtenstein, Switzerland ( (스위스 LVWG 국제연구소 박사) 2 Director of the Research Department, Genesis Foundation, Colombia (콜롬비아 국가연구소-영재재단 박사) 3 Specialist in Medical Bioethics, Oncology Palliative Care Specialist, Spain (스페인 생명윤리,종양치료 전문의) 4 Director, Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist, South clinic, La Paz, Bolivia, Spain (스페인, 볼리비아 라파즈 정형외과 및 외상학 전문의 박사) 5 MSc, Training and Research Center - Bolivia Today Association, Epidemiologist, South Clinic, La Paz, Bolivia, Spain (스페인, 볼리비아 라파즈 MSc 교육 및...