
Showing posts with the label 코로나19
Can chlorine dioxide prevent the spreading of coronavirus or other viral infections? Medical hypotheses 이산화염소가 코로나바이러스 또는 기타 바이러스 감염의 확산을 예방할 수 있습니까? K. KALY-KULLAI  1 , M. WITTMANN1 , Z. NOSZTICZIUS1 and LASZL  O ROSIVALL  2 * 1 Department of Physics, Group of Chemical Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary 2 Institute of Translational Medicine and International Nephrology Research and Training Center, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary Motivation Viruses have caused many epidemics throughout human history. The novel coronavirus [10] is just the latest example. A new viral outbreak can be unpredictable, and development of specific defense tools and countermeasures against the new virus remains time-consuming even in today's  era of modern medical science and technology. In the lack of effective and specific medication or vaccination, it would be desirable to have a nonspecific protocol or substance to render the virus inactive, a subst

Antiviral Effect of Chlorine Dioxide against Influenza Virus and Its Application for Infection Control

                      Antiviral Effect of Chlorine Dioxide against Influenza                         Virus and Its Application for Infection Control 인플루엔자 바이러스에 대한 이산화염소의 항바이러스 효과와 감염관리에의 응용 Abstract Influenza is a respiratory tract infection, causing pandemic outbreaks. Spanish flu (A/H1N1), a pandemic occurred between 1918 and 1919, tolled patients and fatalities of 500 million and 50 million, respectively. Recently, human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza A/H5N1 and swine influenza [Pandemic (H1N1) 2009] was reported.  Because of the population explosion and busy global aircraft traffics, Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 is rapidly spreading worldwide. In addition, it is seriously concerned that H5N1 influenza pandemic would emerge in the very near future.  The pandemic will cause the freeze of social activity and the crisis of business continuity, having a serious impact on the global economy consequently. It is fervently desired that efficient methods of infection control

Chlorine Dioxide: A Potential Mouth Rinse for Oral Health

 Chlorine Dioxide : A Potential Mouth Rinse for Oral Health Shubangi Mani, Ameet Mani, Rajiv Saini  ABSTRACT  The current global and regional patterns of oral disease largely reflect distinct risk profiles across countries, related to living conditions, lifestyles and the implementation of preventive oral health systems.  Periodontitis has been proposed as having an etiological or modulating role in cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory disease, adverse pregnancy outcome and other systemic diseases. Chlorine dioxide when stabilized in water and used at low concentration effectively neutralizes volatile sulfur compounds in the oral cavity. This compound has the ability to effectively clean oral tissues on a daily basis without causing harmful side effects.  Keywords: Chlorine, Periodontitis, Halitosis. How to cite this article: Mani S, Mani A, Saini R. Chlorine Dioxide: A Potential Mouth Rinse for Oral Health. Int J Experiment Dent Sci 2012;1(2):118-119. Source of support: Nil

이산화염소와 코로나19의 치료에 관한 연구 논문

 COVID 19 치료에서 이산화염소의 실효성에 대한 정의 Determination of the Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19 I nsignares-Carrione Eduardo1 *, Bolano Gómez Blanca2 , Andrade Yohanny3 , Callisperis Patricia4 , Suxo Ana Maria5 , Arturo Bernardo Ajata San Martín6 and Camila Ostria Gonzales7 1 LVWG Global Research Director, Liechtensteiner Verein für Wissenschaft und Gesundheit, Liechtenstein, Switzerland ( (스위스 LVWG 국제연구소 박사)   2 Director of the Research Department, Genesis Foundation, Colombia (콜롬비아 국가연구소-영재재단 박사)   3 Specialist in Medical Bioethics, Oncology Palliative Care Specialist, Spain (스페인 생명윤리,종양치료 전문의)   4 Director, Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist, South clinic, La Paz, Bolivia, Spain    (스페인, 볼리비아 라파즈 정형외과 및 외상학 전문의 박사)   5 MSc, Training and Research Center - Bolivia Today Association, Epidemiologist, South Clinic, La Paz, Bolivia, Spain   (스페인, 볼리비아 라파즈 MSc 교육 및 연구센터 전염병전문의)   6 Internal Medicine specialist, C Sorata 1146 V

Determination of the Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19. 이산화염소와 코로나19

Determination of the Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19 Insignares-Carrione Eduardo1 *, Bolano Gómez Blanca2  , Andrade Yohanny3  , Callisperis Patricia4  , Suxo Ana Maria5  Arturo Bernardo Ajata San Martín6 and Camila Ostria Gonzales7 1 LVWG Global Research Director, Liechtensteiner Verein für wissenschaft und Gesundheit, Liechtenstein, Switzerland (    2 Director of the Research Department, Genesis Foundation, Colombia    3 Specialist in Medical Bioethics, Oncology Palliative Care Specialist, Spain    4 Director, Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist, South clinic, La Paz, Bolivia,Spain    5 MSc, Training and Research Center - Bolivia Today Association, Epidemiologist, South Clinic, La Paz, Bolivia, Spain   6 Internal Medicine specialist, C Sorata 1146 V Victory, La Paz, Bolivia, Spain   7 La Paz, Bolivia, Spain ( Abstract  Introduction: The aim of this review is to dete