
Showing posts with the label Mouth Rinse for Oral Health

Chlorine Dioxide: A Potential Mouth Rinse for Oral Health

 Chlorine Dioxide : A Potential Mouth Rinse for Oral Health Shubangi Mani, Ameet Mani, Rajiv Saini  ABSTRACT  The current global and regional patterns of oral disease largely reflect distinct risk profiles across countries, related to living conditions, lifestyles and the implementation of preventive oral health systems.  Periodontitis has been proposed as having an etiological or modulating role in cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory disease, adverse pregnancy outcome and other systemic diseases. Chlorine dioxide when stabilized in water and used at low concentration effectively neutralizes volatile sulfur compounds in the oral cavity. This compound has the ability to effectively clean oral tissues on a daily basis without causing harmful side effects.  Keywords: Chlorine, Periodontitis, Halitosis. How to cite this article: Mani S, Mani A, Saini R. Chlorine Dioxide: A Potential Mouth Rinse for Oral Health. Int J Experiment Dent Sci 2012;1(2):118-119. Source of support: Nil