KOREA FERTILIZER PURE NANO CHLORINE DIOXIDE GUIDE 살균 : 순수 이산화염소 -VIRUS ZERO 식품, 농업, 수처리, 산업, 병원, 방역, 축산 등 광범위한 분야에서 사용되는 친환경 살균. Sterilization : pure chlorine dioxide -VIRUS ZERO Eco-friendly sterilization used in a wide range of fields such as food, agriculture, water treatment, industry, hospitals, public quarantine, and livestock . The world's first storage • transport technology! ClO2(Chlorine dioxide) is already recognized as a fully functional disinfectant added for medical use, food from all the international organizations such as WHO, EPA, FDA, JECFA, HACCP, KFDA. Chlorine dioxide, however, because the volatility of the radical type, and can not be stored and carried. However, now it can be stored in long-distance transport by KFC technicians. Chlorine dioxide is a complete environment-friendly disinfectant that does not generate any harmful substance without destroying the amino acid of the living body. In particular, high-risk viruses such as SARS, aAnthrax,...